JSAA Test & Learning Platform
The Bachelors of Architecture Program at the Jindal School of Art and Architecture (JSAA) is a five-year program in architecture which prepares you for a career as a licensed architect in India.
The unique program at JSAA is divided into two parts; the Major and the Minor. In the Major, you learn about material and making, about design thinking. You explore the social, historical, political, economic and technological interfaces of architecture. The program places you in multiple internships at leading firms where you gain work experience, learn from and interact with the best architects in India and the world. In addition to the Major, the program at the JSAA also allows you to choose one minor area of study. The minor areas of study are carefully designed to provide you with additional skillsets which no other program of architecture in the country provides. As a result, you emerge as an architect with a unique combination of abilities which can be applied across multiple industries and sectors B.Arch.
B.Arch - Bachelor of Architecture - 5 years
Distinctive Features
- Hands-on design approach, with experiential learning and case studies centred in and around Delhi.
- Strong collaborative and mobile learning environment in design studios.
- Small batch sizes and regular personalised interaction with faculty.
- Immersion in processes of exploration, experimentation, and professional representation of lived spaces (real and imaginary).
- Internationally educated teaching faculty with a range of research interests around architecture and urbanism.
- Unique programme that is divided into Major and Minor, with the Major in Architecture adhering to COA regulation for licensing eligibility, and the Minor drawing on faculties from across the university.
- Internship in the final year of the programme.
Students at the JSAA can opt for any of the prefigured minors or even design their own minor in consultation with a faculty mentor. The minor area of study can work in two ways for students. On the one hand, it can provide a student with an area of concentration within their major discipline or an assailed field. For example, a student majoring in architecture can minor in Spatial Analytics. On the other hand, the minor area of study can also provide a student with an additional or a secondary area of study, for example, a student majoring in BA (Hons.) Built Environment Studies, or B. Des. and get a minor in Legal Studies.
Minor Requirements:
If a student declares a minor area of study, the minimum credits required to complete the minor typically range from 24-30 credits. List of Prefigured Minors:

After Graduation:
Employment: The graduating students from the B. Arch. program become licensed architects in India. They can enter the workforce directly as self-employed Architects and/or work in firms and the construction industry as architects.
Postgraduate Studies: Students graduating from the B. Arch. Program become eligible for entry in Master degree programs across the world in Architecture; Planning and Regional Studies; Urban and Landscape Design; Project and Construction Management, to name a few.
A prospective student should have successfully passed the examination conducted by a Board/University at the +2 level of schooling with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics & also 50 % marks in aggregate (either through formal schooling for 12 years, or through open school system) & 50% NATA score or 50% JEE-2 score.
Education Loans:
JGU has established tie-ups with AVANSE (ICICI), Dena Bank and Credila (HDFC) to facilitate educational loans for students.
Reach Us
Director of Admissions - Mr. Azad Ali
Contact No - 880 0209 888 |
Email - [email protected]